Illustrator Landscape

 For the 4K Landscape image I started with three separate concepts that I could have potentially developed into a larger image. The three concepts included a desert gas station, a farmland drive that resembles the MarioKart Moo Moo Meadows course, and a jungle grotto with a waterfall. Ultimately, I felt the most connected and motivated to pursue the desert gas station.

I spent a lot of time reworking little aspects of the image. It wasn't a terribly difficult piece to create, the individual assets took a little extra time to perfect the details, but it is a deserted gas station in the desert. I used the pen tool to create the vector graphics. For the composition of the image I added in a VW bus to move the audiences eye around the image. I had trouble in the beginning with the storefront and the window and doors not matching the rest of the image, but I changed the stroke and it blended much better. I also added a cactus in the foreground to create depth. The last thing that I changed was the color palette to emphasize the grungy deserted look.

The progression of this piece of artwork can be found below.


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