More Illustrator

 I kind of got over my artist block and finished my project for class tomorrow. I think that the cereal one was the best out of these three illustrations I created and that "Earth" was a complete pile of poop. I had another project but I forgot to save it as an Illustrator file and because of that I had to complete whatever it is that became "Earth". I had a great time creating "Breakfast" I thought that adding the text to the cereal box, milk carton, bowl, and spoon was funky and cute. It did not turn out exactly as planned. I wanted to do more of a pastel blue, pink, and yellow but the colors did not want to look good.

So far I'm having an okay time with Illustrator. I think that my creative block is really messing with me, it's a really busy time of the semester too. I had to get up at 4:30 am on Sunday to script supervise a sunrise scene for a senior film. The shots looks really good, but it is the first senior sem film set of many for this semester.


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