Illustrator Logo

For the Logo assignment I based my logo based on a character that I am voicing for a personal project with my friends. The character is Wobin the Wobber, an anxious little girl who tries to rob a gas station who continuously grows more terrified as other customers enter the store. The character wears a bunny hat and a mask that I wanted to be the main focus in the logo. Personally I like simple black and white logos and some of my inspirations for this project are Playboy, Cartoon Network, and HP.

My very first variation of the logo was an atrocity. There was not a distinguishable outline to tell what the logo actually was. It looked like a swan on water.
I knew that I really needed to let my creative juices flow and just make a bunch of variations until I found one that I could stick with and advance into an actual logo. Below are all of the variations that I created.
Ultimately I wound up choosing a combination of the bunny ski mask with one ear folded and white eyes and a nose.


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