Portfolio (InDesign)

 My first InDesign project for this class was a portfolio of at least 3 of the works that I have created this semester. I wanted to make this portfolio extremely personal and representative of my style as an artist. Like in the logo design I wanted to keep it simple with the black and white color palette. Yet, even with the most "basic" colors I felt the need to amplify the contrast by adding blocks of black and white to the design layout. The typefaces that I chose give off a funky vibe, which encapsulates my vision as an artist. 

The works that I included in the portfolio were my logo, Slipknot Rico (Photoshop), UpperWater (Photoshop - 4K image), Restore 3408 (Midjourney), Skyfall (Photoshop - 4K image), Robin-O's (Illustrator), and Desert Joyride (Illustrator). I broke down Desert Joyride into its forms from thumbnail to finished product because I felt like that piece in particular showed the most growth from the beginning. 

I am super excited with how my portfolio turned out. I think it is extremely indicative of who I am as a person and, more importantly, who I am as an artist.


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